The more evidence the better. Make sure you can explain all the evidence. Do recommenders/employers back up the evidence? Is the evidence reputable? Gain valuable experience! Read More
1. Build up your portfolio It is never too late or too early to start. By building your brand and having a clear and established vision, it will help you stay focused and be a launchpad for your career. 2. Connect with established people in your field Networking is a key strategy. These people can...Read More
1. Get a stamp If in the U.S., go overseas and submit a visa application to schedule your interview with the consulate and get the O-1 Visa stamp in your passport. If already in your country of citizenship, submit the visa application, attend the interview, and get your passport stamped with the visa. 2. Preparation...Read More
This article will help you plan in meeting at least 3 of the O-1 Visa criteria by using 3 of the most underutilized criteria for establishing extraordinary ability. You can build a successful petition that gets approved by showing the following: 1) Judging or Panel experience, 2) Membership in a Distinguished Association, and 3) Being...Read More
You need to submit strong expert letters that make an argument for why you are extraordinary and your O-1 Visa should be approved, and not that the expert thinks you are a lovely person and extraordinary just because they use the word extraordinary. These 5 Tops Tips will help you build a strong expert letter...Read More
1. Expert Letter From Someone Who Loves You/Your Work Have one expert letter from someone who really loves you as a person, even if they are not the most distinguished in your list of people to ask because they will make the time to write the letter, add in details that will make the letter...Read More
These 3 top tips will help you build strong evidence to meet the O-1 Visa requirement of “participation on a panel or as a judge of the work of others in the same or allied field of specialization.” Become a Judge or Participate on More than One Panel Show that you were invited because of...Read More
These 5 top tips will help you build strong evidence to meet the O-1 Visa requirement of “Membership in associations in the field for which classification is sought which require outstanding achievements of members, as judged by recognized national or international experts in the field”. They will help you to show the association is distinguished...Read More
These 5 top tips will help you build strong evidence to meet the O-1 Visa requirement of Authorship of articles in the field as shown in professional journals or other major media. You must have written material that is published in journals, magazines, newspapers, or some other media. You don’t have to publish in the...Read More
4 Must Knows for After Getting an O-1 Visa Approval When You Applied While You Were in the U.S. Your work is not done after you get the USCIS approval letter and just because you have an O-1 Visa for three years does not mean, you can just stay in the U.S. without meeting certain...Read More