3 Top Tips on Filing a L1 Visa Blanket Petition

If you are a large company and want to file a L1 Visa Petition for several employees instead of individually for each employee, you can do a blanket petition. These 3 Top Tips will help you build a successful business plan to get your L1 Visa Blanket Petition approved.

1. Proof of Active Office and Conducting Business for One Year Before Filing of Blanket Petition

Submit a lease or other agreement showing physical premises of active office. Submit financial documents to show the U.S. branch was conducting business for at least one year. 

2. Demonstrate the Company has 3 offices total, in the U.S. or overseas. 

The 3 different offices can be overseas or domestic branches, affiliates, or subsidiaries, and the offices have to be actively in business. 

3. Show the Company is Eligible to Apply for a Blanket Petition

Establish that the company meets one or more of the following three:

  • Company previously filed at least ten successful L1 petitions in the preceding twelve month.
  • Company has a minimum 1000 employees based in the US; OR
  • Company-wide total annual sales of at least US$25 million.